Workout area

Train hard, stay strong, sweat pours, strength soars.

Welcome to my personal Workout Blog! I've been immersed in the world of fitness for a solid ten years now. Over this time, I've tried out a variety of training routines and picked up quite a bit of knowledge along the way. Some of them turned out to worked better than others, and during the years I adapted them to my needs.

My aim here is to share what I've learned in practical manner, as a journal for myself, but also to share it with others. Whether you're a beginner looking to kickstart your fitness journey or someone who's been at it for a while seeking new insights, you'll find useful tips and advice here

My training goals changed as well over the years. At first, my goal was to get muscle size, later it was to gain body strength. Recently I started to focus more on endurance and stamina. This results in a variety of different training plans and methods that I tried and applied


Articles that describe theoretical aspects of workouts and training

Workout Plans

Overall fitness

The aim is to get the best overall result in all possible areas

Build muscles

The focus is on muscle growth and hypertrophy

Strength Build

Workout plans to get the most strength out of the body with powerlifting.

Beginner workout plans

If you are just getting started with the gym